Zag Kadah
2 min readJul 23, 2021

The Life of This World is but Chattel of Deception #61

July 22, 2021

The High Moral Grounds

From the Quran:

“O! you who believe

Shun much of your suspicion

For truly some of the suspicions are sins

And avoid spying on one another

And avoid backbiting one another

Would any of you like to eat the flesh

Of his dead brother even as you abhor it

(so, you should abhor doing the other things)

And retain your trust in God

For God is Most Relenting, Merciful.

O mankind, Lo!

We have created you from a male and a female

And have made you into nations and tribes

So, you may get acquainted with one another

Lo! The noblest amongst you, in the sight of God

Are those who are most fearful of God

Lo! God is the Knower, the Aware.

Quran, 49:12–13

These are two of the most powerful and often quoted verses from the Quran. Even Western world leaders such as the ex-prime minister of Britain has quoted them.

The first verse is addressed to the Muslims urging them to avoid some of the most common sins in any society such as suspicion, spying and backbiting and ties those who exercise these acts and likens them to the most abhorrent act of cannibalism.

And the second verse is addressed to all humanity to remind it that the various people created and advanced by God are not to fight one another or hate one another or dominate one another but to enjoy the diversity and live-in peace and tranquility, something that always failed, and they still fail to see.